Ask a Question, Save a Life

According to a report released in June 2018 by the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council (SPC), 457 people committed suicide in San Diego County in 2017, a 26 count increase from 2016. The suicide rate for 2017 is close to the rate in 2013, the year with the highest suicide rate since 1995. It is even more heartbreaking that 18 of the people who committed suicide in 2017 were between 10 and 19 years old. Each figure represents the end of a beautiful life, full of tears from countless families and loved ones.

Suicide is preventable. One of the first steps in preventing it is to start paying attention to the warning signs. If you don’t talk about it in hopes of avoiding it, you may miss the opportunity to help your friends and family. Ask a question, save a life. By expressing your concern, you can help someone close to you and pull them back from the brink of suicide.

In hopes of raising awareness in the city, San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAFE) and the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council (SPC) are hosting a suicide prevention seminar together: Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Trainings for Suicide Prevention.

Throughout the lecture, you will understand how to:

* Recognize warning signs of suicide
* Know how to offer hope
* Know how to get help and save a life

Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Date: March 16, 2019 (Saturday)

Location: 8830 Rehco Road, Suite E
San Diego, CA 92121
Cost: Free

Please RSVP at

For more information, please click the link here.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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