Jack Yang’s Question to Senator Block

I would like to bring up my second question, SCA5, which was a hot subject just a few months ago. Let me start with some conversations I had with my daughter who is a high school senior. Right now she and her classmates are busy with college applications. One of the entries in every college application is the applicant’s race. There are a number of students who came from a background with mixed heritages. They all fill in the entry like this: ¼ African American and ¾ white will choose the race as Black; 1/8 Hispanic and 7/8 White will choose the race as Hispanic. Every student knows he/she will have a better chance to be admitted if he/she can be labeled as Black or Hispanic. The school counselors and outside advisors also advised them to do so. At this young age, when the textbooks are teaching them that all races are equal, they know that races are not equal once they step out of the textbook. They know the skin colors DO matter in college application, and they can game the system if they can play the race card.

When Dr. Martin Luther King started the civil movement in the 1960’s, he was trying to get equal rights between the White and the Black. He was not trying to get a certain ethnic group gaining advantage over another group because of the skin color. If he is alive today, he will be amazed to see that some people will try to portray themselves as Blacks in order to gain certain advantages over the others.

I work for the industry. In the industry we award people based on qualifications and merit. We never merit people based upon their race. We do not say someone can do more or less depending upon his/her racial background; such practice will un-doubtfully doom the industry. America is great because we treat everyone equally and offer everyone the same opportunity. I truly hope our legislation will continue to treat people equally, maintain the greatness of America, and ensure our prosperity for the generations to come.



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